Customer Preferences

Show Images - Enable/disable item images from being shown on the B2B portal. This would be a good option to turn off, if you haven't set up images yet.
Allow Filtering By Category - Turning this on/off will show/hide the item category filter from the SalesIn B2B portal that customers see. Turn this off if user don’t use categories, or don’t want the customer seeing them.
Use Category Descriptions as Names - Enable/disable using category description as name - currently NOT used anymore.
Display Stock Levels - Enable/disable indication that stock is available/unavailable
- Display Exact Number of items in Stock - If this is turned on, customers will see the exact number of quantity on hand that you have, if left turned off they will just see In Stock.
Always show pricing relative to the Base Unit Price - If this is turned on, customers will see only the base price of the unit.
i.e. Price of the base sales unit, regardless of what sales unit used by the item in B2B.
e.g. Shows $1 for the base unit price even unit is Carton of 12.
Turning this off will show the price according to the sales unit used by the item in B2B, e.g. shows $12 for Carton of 12..
Show Tax Column - Turning this ON will show item tax % column on the Cart page.
Hide Items that have no stock available - Turning this on will prevent customers from seeing items that have no stock available.
Stop customer ordering more than the available stock - Turn this on to prevent customers ordering more than what is available (it is suggested that if you turn this on, that you should also display the exact stock levels, so customers know how much they can order).
Show item codes - Turn this on/off to show/hide item codes.
Enable sorting on gallery view - Enable / Disable the change sorting mode in all view - NOT just in Gallery View. This will only show when 'Show Item Codes' is also turned on.
Show item custom fields - Enable / Disable custom fields. (If this is turned on and you are integrated with an accounting system, customers will be able to see the cost field in Details on the B2B portal).
Customer must agree to Terms & Conditions - If this is turned on, customers will need to tick 'Accept Terms And Conditions' tick-box in the Order Details/Checkout page.
Send a confirmation email once the order is placed - When turned ON, SalesIn will email the customer a PDF copy of the order after they submit the order.
Require minimum order value - Turning this ON will enforce the customer Minimum Order Value in the customer's card Details tab.
Only use custom sort on B2B website - When this is turned on, the 'Custom sort' of item set in SalesIn Administration will be the default sort. This can be used if you want your customers to see your products